The Making of a Freud-Ally: Interpretation of a Dense Dream by a Dear Friend

The Making of a Freud-Ally: Interpretation of a Dense Dream by a Dear Friend

i never knew or rather believed Freud was that rational in his theories, for i have oft studied and read him with a tinge of suspicion, garbing him in mysterious attires. i had, most often, discarded him as illogical or better, beyond my logic. but now, i think he is carving a niche in me. this happened when one of my friends, of course a Freud-defender, interpreted one of my "Dollywood Superhit" dreams leaving me jaw-dropped. the dream was something that i saw in my PG first sem. it went on like this:

a beautiful white palace, painted hither and thither in dark green, of whose quadrilateral verandah with an open courtyard is only visible to me. the verandah has got white pillars supporting it, while the courtyard is sunlit. the minister's daughter, that is me, is in love with the prince of the palace. but the prince is nowhere to be seen; hopefully studying somewhere abroad. a seemingly benevolent, but austere, the king declares that its time to find a princess-bride for the prince. my poor "bearded" dad in his sixties, the minister, grabbing all his strength,went to the king to confess that his daughter in is love with the prince. as expected, the reply he got was a big, sardonic NO. that means, its now time to overtly state and scrap for my love. after a series of arguments, clearly discerning the impracticability of driving me back, the king decided to contest my affection for his son. it was a three-tiered contest, of which the first two levels were severe physical wars while the third one was an intellectual one. i had to beat, in the first two levels, two huge armies set by the king, for which i was sturdily pillared by some of my then-classmates-- Sonu, Bibin, Shalet, Amal... i remember only them.

i thrived in the first two levels, though it cost the life of two of my besties-- Shalet and Amal, while Bibin ran for his life seeing the tragic deaths of his friends!!! Sonu, being the mental-stalwart among us,  accompanied me into the third level. the intellectual crusade was to be held in a beautifully adorned lamp-lit room with its door shut. we were seated opposite to an array of scholars exported from diverse foreign lands. as the rules of the war declared, i had to either prove  their statements false, or i had to make and prove a statement, that is yet unknown to the entire humanity. i dont clearly remember what all statements they had made. but whatever statements we made were completely wrong. only one more attempt remained and i had to make such an argument that has never been made before by any human being; not simply make one, but prove it true. the proclamation i made was that woman can procreate without the help of man and thus maintain humanity.

i am not able to recall how i proved it true... might be because of its magnitude that no ordinary human being can bear or might be because it is a forbidden fact that no woman-born is supposed to know. whatever be it, i won the war for my prince.

the interpretation came a few years later, in an academic discussions with one of my friends on the conjectural nature of Freudian concepts. my friend fiercely fortified Freud saying that Freud may seem to be abstract or hypothetically untrue. but he can be practically proved to be true using his concepts regarding the interpretation of dreams. this is when i shared this yester-dream with him. and this is how his Freudian interpretation goes on:

1. the face of the prince is not seen: might be because he is someone you loves covertly. you havent confided your love for him, or you yourself havent


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